It came and it went. The final Ninjafest ever. But, before you begin to mourn the festival, there IS some good news. There will be a festival on the same weekend, in the same venue, but under a different name next year. The fest has a name but until the dates are confirmed, this will not be released. And before that, there will be many other uk fests (Dead and Powered fest which will be featured here next week, Facedown Fest which will hopefully be announced soon, to name a couple), so there is no time to be sad.
But back to Ninjafest. Many people bought the fest together this year and without them, it would not have been possible.
- First and foremostly, the two other festival organisers, Rach and Louise. You are both going to be terribly missed and thank you for an awesome 6 years.
- The bands that played from the local boys to the boys that travelled hours on end to get there in time. You all played awesome sets and made everything worthwhile.
- The Underworld Staff for letting us do this for 6 years, and letting me continue to do this for however long before it kills me.
- Sploot and the sound people at the underworld for being the best.
- Jen, Naomi and Lynne for feeding everyone and transporting stuff..
- Kieran and James for the merch tables and getting them there.
- All that lent equipment for the backline. You know who you are and im sure you dont want your names posted up on here haha.
- Kevin and Charlotte for doing so much for me in the mornings when we first got there and the boring job of wristbands. I love you both loads.
And last but not least, all that came, all that sang along, stage dived, made the atmosphere incredible, moved out of our way when we were stressing out and said kind words at the end of the weekend. Thank you.
Lets make the next fest even better.
Photocredit- Wisdom in Chains by Michael- attheshow.org