Saturday, 23 February 2008

London Calling Highly recommends the following bands.. .

Cheat To Win (UK)-
This band played their first London show at Facedown fest at the dome roughly a year ago. Watching them, the thoughts that entered my head were "this band are incredible.. so tight for a band that have just gotten together" and "his voice reminds me of the dude from Mentals but the music is thrashier". If you are a promoter, PUT THIS BAND ON. Give them a listen.. And someone to tell them to put "shark infested waters" back up on their myspace and tell them to play it live again. Thanks.

The Ice (Germany)-
There are certain european bands that do things right. Every country in europe has them. We have it here with Knuckledust and, I would say, Dirty Money, Holland has it with Born From Pain for the tough guys, No Turning Back for everyone else (heh).. Belgium has it, in some peoples eyes, with Justice and Germany have it with Black Friday 29.. They can now add another band to this list. The Ice are one of the most talked about bands in West Germany at the moment. I could give you the schpeel and say "if you love the cro mags etc etc, listen to them" but im not going to. Oh. I just did.

Cheap Thrills (Germany)
This band played the 12bar with borrowed time last autumn, and totally blew everyone that was there watching away.. With an energy that is severely lacking with a lot of hardcore bands of the moment, the band mix old and new school hardcore effortlessly.. They are touring next month with solid Ground from Switzerland (playing the Underworld on 18/03). Check them out if you can. You will not be disappointed.

Living Hell (US)-
The hype behind this band first reached these shores last Ninjafest. Bands from America were all talking about how awesome they are. While the band arent doing anything groundbreaking, what they are doing is absolutely incredible. Not in a long time have I been left wanting more like I have with this band.

Homicidal (US)-
Featuring ex member of Bulldoze/Crown Of Thornz/ Conspiracy and Hatebreed. Thats all I have to say.

Blood Stands Still (US)-
This band are just finishing a European tour with Furious Styles and Your Demise.. featuring members of Donnybrook, the band were one of the most talked about on the tour package after they played London.. if you like Death Before Dishonor, check them out. One of the most highly recommended on this list.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

HAT Tour diary

Honour Among Thieves, (possibly?) Londons hardest working hardcore band, have just completed their european tour, and have kindly put a tour journal up on their myspace for us...

The diary can be located in the blog here:

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

RIP The Break In

The Break In, from Kent, have decided to call it a day, releasing this official statement:

"This is the end...
As of January 2008 The Break In are no more.
At the beginning of the month Dan Frye decided to leave the band. The rest of us feel that due to him being the only remaining original member, it wouldn't be right to carry on as a band without him.
We'd like to take this chance to thank everyone who has helped us out over the years.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust... "

They will be very much missed.