Update.. Running Riot Fest
Wow. What with the summer fest season finally over, and the final preperations for Running Riot Fest coming into play, I can finally update the site.
The fest itself has been tarred with problems in booking bands. So many bands have pulled out due for various reasons.. tours being booked in America at the same time, bands splitting up, and the worst of all, the credit crunch fugging with me so bands simply can't afford to come over..
But I think the line up that we have ended up with is pretty sweet.
We are happy to announce that No Turning Back (www.myspace.com/noturningbackhardcore)have been added to the bill.. To be fair, this band played so many of the past Ninjafests, that it simply wouldn't be right for them not to play the first name change fest.
We are also happy to announce Teenage Lust (www.myspace.com/teenagexlust) from Belgium. They were awesome at the two day fest in colchester earlier in the year and a welcome addition!
and finally, the UKs own Deal with it. With their brand new release on... it seemed a shame to not include them on the bill.
As the fest is basically a new fest, the three year rule isn't coming into play and is probably going to be scrapped altogether..
I am going to also include, every year, the break band.. if you were at last years Ninjafest, you will understand what this means. There are two breaks during the day.. one in the early evening and one later on in the night.. They are generally put there so that the staff working at the underworld (stage manager, sound dudes, etc), get a break, and also so that noone has to miss bands when hungry.
During the second breaks, with no sound/lighting people, there will be some special bands playing, guaranteed to be super entertaining, so don't run off super quick. It will be something not to miss.
Finally, we all need to remember what Ninjafest was originally about.. it was never about getting the biggest bands in hardcore today, which, while it does happen, to me anyway, it was more about getting smaller amazing bands names out there.. Just look at the past line ups on the Ninjafest myspace and you will see.. so please, go and check out the bands you haven't heard yet, as i am positive you will be pleasantly surprised.
The fest, as you know, happens in 3 weeks on the 25/26 October... Tickets are onsale now (from the usual outlets and in person from the worlds end)and it is looking good to be another sold out year.
There is a pre show the night before. This promises to be absolutely amazing with Dirty Money and Dead Swans on the bill and Honour Among Theives playing their last ever show. It will be held at the underworld and tickets are onsale at the same outlets. Unfortunately, to all the kids that have been emailing, the pre show is nothing to do with me, so the ticket sales are seperate from the Running Riot weekend tickets.

On the friday night, everyone is sticking around the underworld to dance to some cheesy 80s and 90s pop at Pump Up the Volume.
The after party on Saturday is being sorted out as we speak. It looks like it is going to be at Sin club in Tottenham Court Road. Your day wristbands will get you in for the reduced price of £5.
Thats about it.
Get your tickets now to avoid major disappointment.
Ps. I would appreciate it if there are any crack junkies outside the venue, to leave them alone and don’t give them any attention. Last year, having to deal with the police was stressful and a waste of my time. You should be there to watch bands, not to taunt the junkies of Camden.
Also, if they decide to turn on you and stab you, that’s your own fault. Just ignore them and they will walk away.