Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Photos done the right way..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

There is one thing with "those kids" that stand at the front of shows, with their big cameras and their big flashes that really gets to me.. that noone else ever gets to see those pictures. They become pictures that are lost on the owners harddrive, never to be see by anyone but the owner themselves. This, to me, defeats the point of band photography in the first place.

Jan is one of the exceptions to this rule. From the moment he moved to London, he has been seen stood taking hundreds upon hundreds of photos at most shows and, much to our delight, posting the best from his collection on his website a couple of days later (the latest being from the Black My Heart shows). From band pictures to photos of his friends to kids dancing, Jan always manages to capture the energy and the atmosphere of the shows he attends.

His work, and sharing of his work, is very much appreciated, so please click on the banner above and check out his pictures.

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