Thursday, 29 December 2011
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Ninebar release a new album!

Posted by
In My Eyes
5:47 pm
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Sheer Terror to hit the uk!
Sheer Terror will be hitting UK shores for the first time in early 2012. The band, who formed in 1984, have sporadically played a string of reunion shows around the world, including Antwerp the past January and will be doing three shows on the mainland over the summer. The UK shows will be the smallest shows in Europe to date, with the Old Blue Last holding only 120 punters. Tickets are selling fast, with over half for both Bristol and London selling in under a week so it is advisable that should you plan on attending these shows, tickets should be purchased in advance. More information for the Bristol show, including how to get tickets, can be located here: More information for the London show, including how to get tickets, can be located here: Both Travelodge in London and in Bristol currently have rooms for £29 for these dates. Especially for a Saturday night in London, this price is quite unheard of. It is recommended that you book these rooms now as they will no longer be available in the next couple of months. Travelodge website: For Londonites planning to travel to the Bristol show, cheap train tickets, national express funfare coach tickets and megabus tickets are all released 12 weeks before the event. And finally, Sheer Terror have released a new song on Facebook: Have a listen!
Posted by
In My Eyes
10:27 pm
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Brotherhood Fest Tickets from the UK!
The festival is happening on the 6th and 7th August 2011 in Essen, Germany, at the new JZE venue.
The line up is absolutely tremendous and includes one of Shattered Realms 10 year Anniversary shows, the return of the tremendous Death Before Dishonor and Londons favourites, Wisdom in Chains, to name a few. Full details of the line up are on the website (linked above) or on the flyer.
Presale weekend tickets are onsale now here in the UK:
Tickets will be priced at £47.50 in person and £51.50 posted (to cover postage, packaging and Paypal fees).
I will be selling tickets at various London hardcore shows in the upcoming months. If you would like to purchase a ticket, PLEASE CONTACT ME FIRST at You will need to check whether I will be attending particular shows as I will not be carrying the book of tickets around London with me, so will need to know how many tickets you would like me to bring.
In regards to posting the tickets, all tickets will be sent via recorded delivery. I will be making a couple of bulk posts a week, as I have a full time job. Each envelope will have a tracking number, and will also NEED A SIGNATURE.
If you would like your tickets posted, please click on the button below STATING AN ADDRESS WHERE SOMEONE WILL BE THERE TO SIGN FOR THE TICKETS
Posted by
In My Eyes
11:31 am
Sunday, 15 May 2011
London Calling, the website
London calling loves to let you know whats going on. Whilst the blog (AKA the main website) is not updated as much as I would like it to be, the pages linked to London Calling are updated regularly.
LDNLove, the London hardcore events page, has recently moved from Myspace to a new, smoother, slicker and more simple site which can be located here:
The twitter page is the most up to date page.. with constant, to the minute updates about what is going on.. and reminders of shows happening, its the best place to find out whats what:
London Calling on facebook has had to close down. Facebook changed the group format, which makes it massively annoying.. many emails that you don’t want when people post status’s on the wall, and generally a pretty confusing format.
So, i have come up with a couple of solutions:
Mass email- In this day and age, no one is every really very far from an email account. Whether at work or on your phone, sign up to the London Calling mailing list.. We promise not to send you more than one email a month (unless something super important is happening). Anyone that was a member of the London Calling facebook group will know that the personalised messages were sporadic and only contained super important information. This will be along the same lines, so no boring spam in your inbox from us. I will be sending the first email out in a couple of weeks so sign up and keep an eye out for it J
To sign up, either fill in the widget on the menu on the right or please go to: Sign up page
Making better use of the messageboard: The London calling messageboard is located here: http://www.londoncalling.cjb.
Thats it for now folks!
Posted by
12:02 pm
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Damage Control Returns!!
Posted by
In My Eyes
9:59 pm
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Bringing Back The Glory Ticket Giveaway!
So on Saturday, I announced the Bringing Back The Glory ticket give away... a pair of tickets to BBTG fest (transport and accommodation NOT included) .. the competition is still running and will end on the 20th March at midday.
Posted by
3:06 pm
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Bringing Back The Glory competition and tickets:
1. On Saturday 12th March between 12pm-3pm, on, I will be announcing the competition to win a pair of Bringing Back the Glory tickets. The prize does NOT include flights or accommodation and the winner will be announced here on London Calling on the 19th March.
2. I literally have a couple of tickets left. If you would like any information on how to get some, please go here:
LDNLove has moved!
Does everyone remember the old Myspace? The website that was the worlds most popular social networking site? The one that every band on the planet used as a vehicle to get their music out to the masses? The one that was so simple to use? Well, those days have long gone. Unfortunately, the website developers, in an attempt to return to centre stage in the social networking world, have made the site buggy, included too many flash advertisements, and have made easy tasks relatively difficult.
So, as of last week, the LDNLove myspace page has closed down. No more information will be posted on this site.
Instead, the NEW LDNLOVE PAGE has now been set up and can be located here:
.. the format is more simple and including show details is no longer a chore. Please let me know if I have missed any shows out and also let me know what you think!
Deathskulls release new album:
Deathskulls have a new album out on Rucktion Records.. The Real Deal II has been a long time coming and was well worth the wait. Taking the best elements of old NYHC and giving it a distinctively English twist, the album is currently leading the run for “album of 2011”. If I recommend any band to check out, it would be this one! For more information on the Deathskulls, please go to: and please click on the above link to pick up a copy of the album.
Damage Control
I bloody love Rucktion Records. The London label can simply do no wrong. So imagine our excitement when we discovered that they were facilitating the return of the May Bank Holiday weekend fest, Damage Control. The event showcases the best bands on the label (and in my opinion, in the UK), and is also bringing back London’s favourites, Wisdom in Chains.
If you would like more information, please go to:
Please do not forget to add the London Calling Twitter Page:
And the London Calling Facebook page:
Till next time!
Posted by
12:48 pm